Monday, December 03, 2012

jQuery plugin: showKeyPressed

jQuery plugin: showKeyPressed

This plugin allows you to show the user the characters typed (temporarily) in a password field. The following would run on any password fields with the secure class.

Usage: $("").showKeyPressed();


    var ShowKeyPressedLib = {
        show: function (e, refNum, source)
            e = e || window.event;
            var refId = "KP__" + refNum;
            var keycode = e.which;
            if (keycode == 32 ||
                keycode >= 41 && keycode <= 44 ||
                keycode >= 47 && keycode <= 111 ||
                keycode >= 146)
                $(".keypressed").remove(); // Remove all previously shown first
                var coords = $(source).offset();
                var addPixels = 6 * source.value.length;
                $("<div></div>").attr("id", refId)
                                .css({ top: ( - 20) + 'px', left: (coords.left + addPixels) + 'px' })
        hide: function (refNum)
            $("#KP__" + refNum).remove();
        counter: 0

    $.fn.showKeyPressed = function(){
     return $(this).bind('keypress', function(e){
            var refNum = ShowKeyPressedLib.counter++;
  , refNum, this);
            setTimeout(function(){ ShowKeyPressedLib.hide(refNum) }, 999);