Thursday, February 23, 2006

Went to the orthopedist for my wife again. Everything's looking good, so she should have the cast off for good in 4 weeks. I was thinking about the word orthopedic. It seems that it would have to do with feet because of the "ped" in it, but it doesn't. The definition is:
The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Ortho must mean bone or something in Latin. I wish I knew someone who took 4 years of Latin in High School who could help me out... :)

In other news, I got back to working on my online game, Yacht Race Online. I've got it working slightly better than it was before. I already found a big bug, but I'm pretty sure I know how to fix it.

I hadn't seen the code for a while, and it was pretty bad in parts. I was just learning .NET at that time, and wasn't sure how I wanted to write some of the objects, but I definitely would like to change some of it now. Maybe I'll get to change some more code soon.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Here's a picture of my Dad signing Christina's bright pink cast. He is writing Tickle Tickle on the bottom.

My parents, my sister and Flex came over for dinner a week ago to help out and to give us some news...

Brenda and Flex got engaged! He proposed to her on Thursday, February 9th, I think. It was after dinner.

My sister has a date in mind already: 7/7/07. Apparently it's a pretty hot date, because we called the Mission Inn in Riverside and they have a 6 person waiting list for an evening wedding on that date.

Here's a photo of Brenda and Flex from that night.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I've got some bad news. It's actually kind of old bad news too. My wife broke her left ankle on Saturday, February 4th. It's been pretty bad. I mean from everyone whose broken an ankle, they say it's the worst. I might agree. I suppose breaking your back may be worse. And breaking your neck means wearing that goofy head gear. But at least you can walk. My wife's been hobbling around on crutches and doing simple things like going to the restroom can be a big ordeal. Taking care of our son is basically impossible for her, so we've been enlisting the help of family to help us out.

My work is letting me work from home, but I think they are letting me do it mostly because I said that I thought I was going to have to go on medical leave for 6 weeks.

So the way it happened was this. We were at our nieces 2-years old birthday party, and the birthday girl was playing up high on some dirt behind a 4-foot retaining wall. My wife was afraid she'd fall, so she went to help. The niece jumped into her arms, but my wife wasn't quite ready for that. My wife was on a 5-inch planter bed wall, and when she stepped back and turned... snap crackle pop. A few people heard the break, but no one thought she had broke it.

My brother-in-law happens to be an x-ray technician, so we went to the hospital where he works. We took x-rays of both of her feet and found the fracture easily. Her other foot was injured as well, but not broken.

She will be on crutches for 6-8 weeks total. Right now has a pink cast for the first 4 weeks. Pink because of Valentine's Day... of course.

Wish her a speedy recovery!

Found a couple websites today that offer you a look at pictures of meals... one shows you airline meals, and the other homemade meals. They both offer more than you think they would: