Monday, May 04, 2009

I've been following the market share of Internet Explorer 8 in hopes that it would take off an people would get off of IE6 and IE7. In April 2009, IE8 doubled it's market share, and then some.

It looks like most of the converts came from IE6 and IE7. Firefox 3 picked up almost a half a percent, but it looks like Chrome only picked up a fifth of a percent.

Web Browser Market Share Trend


Ken Weiner said...

How is IE8 better than 6 and 7?
So many people still use IE6 - what a pain to support!

gbdarren said...

IE8 finally supports standards to the same level as Firefox and Safari. In some cases, better than the other major browsers. When IE6 is virtually gone, web designers can stop using some of the hacks they've had to use over the recent years.

IE6 will be around as long as people run Win98 and Win2000 since IE7 isn't supported on those operating systems. Hopefully Win7 does well and people finally get a new computer.