If rs.EOF Then
%>No record found<%
Response.Write "
Response.Write ""
For i = 0 to rs.Fields.Count -1
Response.Write ""
Response.Write ""
Response.Write ""
Response.Write ""
Response.Write "
Login Info
" & GetFieldName( rs.Fields(i).Name, fGeekMode ) & " " & rs.Fields(i).Value & "
Note: "Minutes Logged In" is not accurate if the session is not active, or if the session is inactive,
and the user didn't logout (i.e., they closed their browswer instead of clicking Logout).
Click Here to Kill This Login Session
You would want to kill a session if the user is getting Read-Only access, and does
not want to wait for their current session to time-out. Beware, this will log out the user if
they are still using this session.
End If
If rs.EOF Then %>No record found<% Else Response.Write "
Login Info | |
" & GetFieldName( rs.Fields(i).Name, fGeekMode ) & " | " Response.Write "" & rs.Fields(i).Value & " | " Response.Write "
Note: "Minutes Logged In" is not accurate if the session is not active, or if the session is inactive,
and the user didn't logout (i.e., they closed their browswer instead of clicking Logout).
Click Here to Kill This Login Session
You would want to kill a session if the user is getting Read-Only access, and does
not want to wait for their current session to time-out. Beware, this will log out the user if
they are still using this session. <% End If End